actualizări despre motive și piață


money is in added values

Looking for the lowest price? Sorry, but we're here to make you earn more money

Once, the frequent question of those who faced us for the first time was: "why should I buy from you?". If they expected to talk about price, we did better by letting them know where we could make them earn more money


products package

motors, drives and gearboxes made by the same factory. A full package for power transmission. All designed by the same hands, with the same concepts of keeping in the standard the highest nr of features that others consider just options, all conceived to be manageable in stock with fast assembly and fast deliveries. None of the products in the mix is a compromise between quality and price. Priority is quality, then we have to try to make the cost, at such quality level, the lowest

Think about our ATEX certifications just as an example: when a special execution is offered for one range of products (gearboxes), it must be extended to the other items too (motors recently, drives later).

the client manages only one supplier and one order

guarantee is not a bargain with suppliers if you buy the whole package from one only. But if you mix motors, gearboxes and drives of different brands and one of them has a failure, the manufacturer of that item could give the fault to another item of the mix

the performance of a whole package of power transmission from one supplier is under better control, because all the items had already been tested all together by the manufacturer

better data control, deeper product knowledge. Look at our configurator as an example: unlike the configurator of some producers of gearboxes (and not of motors), all our data is sure and complete, while theirs is vague data that may be changed anytime or it is subject to the objection: "it's only a generical example of a motor that you can chose... we don't produce motors and we don't guarantee this part"


products content

when motive was born, it asked itself why a client had to shift from actual supplier to us. We had to create motives. Our start was dedicated to improve the state of the art of products, by adding new distinguishing values (aerodinamics, ergonomy, modularity, robustness, better aesthetics, etc.)

another added values was to include in our standard what others were charging as an optio: suitable for inverter, detachable feet, packing, tropicalized, multivoltage and multifrequency, painted, etc;

we used the same philosophy when we started with gearboxes. Look at the first pages of each catalogue


delivery time

motive stock of finished products and components ready for assembly corresponds to 150% of yearly sales. That is to permit fast deliveries. The standard delivery time of a gearbox manufacturer (unless sometimes you pay an extra for fast deliveries) is 4-8 weeks (recently they started bragging for 10 weeks) . Sometimes this is solved by the stock of their distributors. However, distributors, even if they have invested a lot in their stock, cannot predict all the future orders of their clients, and that is where we can make a difference. At motive motors, with and without brake, and worm gearboxes and drives can be found ready on shelves, while other products are ready to be assembled in 1 or 2 weeks .

clients can monitor the stock, the products in production and the products ready to be produced in the customers reserved area

our products in stock, or in the stock of our distributors, are designed to fit with the widest range of clients needs. Gearboxes can be mounted in any position, motors are suitable as a standard for inverter duty, feet are detachable, power coolings are detachable, drives are modular, etc etc.


technical support

web-site content

type test reports free downloadable (no one does it like us)

final test reports free downloadable by serial number

configurator. No one has a configurator with so many details. As a manufacturer of its full package of motors, gearboxes and drives, we can go in details. No one put all these products together, and mixed them with all potential customizations

internal staff

we're fast. We're not divided by departments. All people work in the same big open office, interacting continuously every day. Even the back office is able to reply to 90% of technical questions



As a manufacturer of motors, gearboxes and drives inside the same factory, we guarantee product continuity and full knowledge and support. A trader cannot

If a manufacturer, for example, of pumps is declaring certain performance data in its catalogue for its pumps, how could he do it if the motor supplier could not guarantee the given data? Imagine the Chinese motors traders which can hop from a Chinese supplier to another

no other motor manufacturer is declaring so much data in the catalogue (look at the temp rise data for example). No other manufacturer is supporting and proving such data by giving all type test reports, issued by a certified (IMQ+RINA) internal laboratory

as a manufacturer with a huge stock of components ready to be assembled, when improving our products we must preserve the components compatibility with the new series. Nowadays, if a distributor wanted to install a component (flange, feet, spare parts, etc) on a product made by motive 18 years ago, it could

all products, motors, gearboxes and drives, tested one by one. Motors final tests list longer than any other manufacturer. Final tests are printed attached to the products, saved, and can be downloaded per each unit by motive web-site

In 2001, we were the first company certified ISO9001:2000 in our field.

In 2008 our internal laboratory had been certified ISO/IEC17025 by IMQ.

In 2015 we have been admitted to RINA alternative testing scheme (a kind of certification of our laboratory and personnel) (click here to know more)

In 2021 our Q.S has also been certified according to the most restrictive standard ISO/IEC 80079-34 "Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for Ex product manufacture" (click here to know more).

In 2021 we became an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) (click here to know more)

Configurator and website tools, barcodes, monitors, internally designed production machines, IT system in any process, data collection, internal and external data availability, processes awareness, informatic error barriers, processes digitalization, interconnection of machines… they are all designed to avoid all human errors, from the client order making and confirmation, to the dispatch and the post-sale support

By the serial number of each product at motive you can trace the product, its special features, the client, the suppliers and batch numbers of all critical components, the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the raw materials used for the components, the name of who assembled, who tested, who packed it, the final test results, who put them in stock, who put them on the client pallet, who put it on the client truck, the photos, whether they passed through our post-sale service. Each serial number has its own story, and this makes anyone more responsible and pushes for further improvements. Result: reliability



as a manufacturer we offer extremely customized products. More than 20 pages just for the motors special executions price-list. They are not anymore products, but solutions for specific needs, problems or business opportunities

our offer moved from the non-profit "product" concept to the "solution". Special motors and gearboxes, innovative drives, customized drives are there to go out of the price fight and sell something that gets the client loyalty. This is important for distributors sales, but also when you sell to a machine manufacturer. Suggestion: focus on those fields where we have specific solutions

under a 4.0 industry point of view, we made these customizations automatically managed from the configurator coding, to the price and orders confirmations, uniquely understood by client, commercial dpt and production

This company digitalizations starts by the configurator and the eshop but passes through all stages, commercial-production-despatch. Each choice has a code, each code is digital instructions, test data, bill of material, barcodes, IT system, etc