Silniki Motive od wielkości mechanicznej 160 do 355 są żeliwne i posiadają wszystkie funkcje linii Delphi
IE2, high efficiency class IE 60034-30
IE3, premium efficiency
IE4, super premium efficiency
Keeping the same sealing system of the whole delphi series, the terminal box up to size 280 is made in aluminum, thus guaranteeing its IP65 protection index without being affected by the usual finishing imperfections of the cast iron
From size 160 up to 280, we mount ZZ auto-lubricated bearings, thus avoiding the need of a periodical regreasing maintenance
Instead, from size 315 and up, they are provided with lubricators. 4, 6 and 8 poles motors drive end bearings are in fact of open roller type, in order to withstand eventual extraordinary radial loads (see paragraph "components list")
provided with 3 PTC thermistors that protect the motor and the system by operation anomalies
equipped by lifting eyebolts [one for B3 version (feet fixing), two for B5 version (flange fixing)]
The terminal box can be rotated of 360° with steps of 90°
Pobierz: Silniki trójfazowe DELPHI 160-355 Pobierz: Katalog ogólny
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